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Just like saying the word Fantastic, exercise releases dopamine that makes you feel Fantastic. I’ve been traveling now for 226 days and I don’t exercise enough, barely. When I find myself in a Fantastic environment I tend to start up again. Coeur de Alene Idaho, Miami Florida, and now Sharm el-sheik Egypt are three places that inspired me to exercise.

We need to exercise even if It’s just 5 minutes a day. I have an acronym that works both ways if you want to gain or lose weight, its ELEM. If you want to gain weight as some do it’s Exercise Less and Eat More. If you want to lose weight like most of us do it’s Eat Less and Exercise More. Now we all have great excuses not to exercise, the gym is too far away, I can’t afford a gym, I have no time. Baloney. All you need to do is 100 jumping jacks a day. Can you do a 100? It actually takes a little over a minute. What will happen if you can start this routine is you will want to then do 100 situps, then a few pushups, and increase them daily. THIS IS FREE AND TAKES 5 MINUTES! Is your health worth 5 minutes? Here is the beauty of the plan, it burns calories the fuel of our body. Just burning 100 more calories a day than you consume you will eventually lose weight. Consuming 100 more calories (a banana) then you burn you will eventually, gain weight. Take it slow, it’s the journey, not the destination. Be kind to yourself, then others, and then the environment. If you can do those things join the be Fantastic movement at Eliminate the word good and replace it with Fantastic and watch the magic!

What you want to be, you can be, Be Fantastic.
Dr. Fantastic

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