Some Simple Steps To Start Changing Your Life From Negative To Positive

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One of the things that can have one of the greatest impacts upon your life, is changing how you perceive. You need to remove as much negativity from your life as you can and change it to positivity. Although this may sound a little bit new-age, it has been a fact that has been known for hundreds of years. If you’re only looking at the negative in life than you will see your life as negative, and you will feel that you’re walking through a mud field and every step will be an effort. You need to change that negative feeling, and that negative attention, to a positive one. There are a few steps that you can do.

Understand what is negative

This is probably the hardest thing to learn. You may think you know what negative is, but it’s fairly insidious. It sneaks into your daily life in ways that you can’t believe. We have found that one of the old school ways of reminding yourself of something, putting a rubber band around your wrist and snapping it every time you realize you done something negative, is a good one. It gives you reinforcement of changing the way you look at things. You can also ask those that are close to, point out when you say something negative. Negativity can be as simple as saying that you don’t like going to a certain restaurant because you don’t like that the decor. You may not think that is negative, but pointing out that you don’t like that the core is actually negative. Nobody needs to know that, and you’re focusing on something that is not positive. If you don’t like the restaurant you can just say you prefer to eat somewhere else. Saying “I hate these shoes” is negative, “I need to get new shoes” is not. Take a little bit of time every day, and think about what you’ve said and how you set it to people. And ask yourself was it positive or negative. Once you can recognize what negative is, you can start overcoming. One big negative trait that you should stop immediately, is stop complaining, that is about as negative as you can get. Think about it.

Get rid of negative people

There is an old saying misery loves company. So if you don’t want to be miserable, start getting rid of the miserable company. This doesn’t mean you have to give up all your friends, but it does mean that you need to start truly looking at why they are your friends and what kind of person they are. If there are negative person, all are going to do is suck you into being a negative person as well. If you really want to leave unhappiness behind and make a better life yourself, you might have to make some hard choices with the people you hang out with. They can be quite helpful though positive way, by looking at them and analyzing things that they say as if they are positive or negative. You can use it as a mirror to judge what you yourself say.

Start looking at the positive

Take a few moments during your day and think about what is positive in your life or what is positive is happening. If you start to recognize good and positive things in your life, you will find that you will recognize them more and more, and realize that life can get better. It’s a good idea, to take a small notebook with you and write these things down. Make it a routine, for instance, when you go to lunch and before you start eating, take out the notebook and write three things that are positive. Take this seriously, don’t just write three easy things just to get it out of the way, really look at what is positive that you feel positive about and write those. As you write them, feel them, and imagine them in your life as they are. It’s sort of like when you drink coffee, you can just drink coffee and enjoy it, or you can drink coffee slowly and savor the taste and truly enjoy it. There is a big difference. The positive things in your life work the same way. You can walk through the parking see flowers and that’s nice, or you can truly look at the flowers and enjoy the experience. So start to look at what’s positive in your day, and you’ll find more and more things that you can be positive about. The more positive you are the easier it is to forget negativity.

These are just a few small things, that will help you stop being negative, but in reality, there’s a lot more. As simple as these things sound, they do take some effort to do. You have to seriously want to change your life, and stop yourself from descending into negativity, if you want to fix it. As they say, an alcoholic will never stop being an alcoholic, until they recognize they are an alcoholic. So would negativity, you have to recognize when negativity is to wipe it out of your life. With this and a few other things, you’ll find that your life is changed for the better, and you will take in deep seating joy out of life and look back upon your previous self as if it was someone else that you don’t understand. Life will be just that good.

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