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As I travel around the globe I have been thinking about the word or you might say the concept of time. I have a lot of it nowadays and most people don’t have enough of it to even read this blog. Funny world. We only have so much of it, if you lived to be one hundred you lived only 36,500 days. Doesn’t sound like a lot to me. My parents only lived 40 years on the rock or approx 14,600 days. Most people don’t learn how valuable a day is till they are 50 to 60 years old and then they appreciate each one. Don’t wait that long. I’ve worked in show business and time is very finite/valuable/important, a 30-second commercial, a 30-minute show, a movie, every second count. As a modern-day philosopher, I say every second count. Many philosophers have said live every day as though it’s your last as one day it will be. I’m trying to teach people how to look at their world from a different angle, once you do time will be more valuable, more precious. It’s not the amount or quantity of time you experience during your life but the quality of that time. As I always say It’s not the destination but the journey you should be concerned with. Elon Musk won’t have a meeting over 5 minutes, brilliant, if you can’t convey your agenda in five minutes something is wrong. Now it’s time I remind you of my movement. One of the first agreements in being a Fantastic person is to be kind to yourself, respect YOUR time and you will find it becomes more valuable. Don’t waste time, it’s too precious. The second agreement is to be kind to others and thirdly be kind to the environment. Back to time. Another thing about time, NEVER be late, it’s unacceptable, it’s rude, it’s not being accountable for your actions, it’s stressful, bad business and altogether the wrong thing to do. I say better to be an hour early than a minute late. When you are early there is no stress, you can relax, text, email, make phone calls, meditate, it’s wonderful to be early. Stress is ALL your fault and completely avoidable. Once you realize how valuable YOUR time is you will treat it with more respect and get more out of life. Have a Fantastic time in life. Join the Be Fantastic movement. What you want to be, you can be, be Fantastic. Here is a fun video to enjoy in Virtual Reality, its 3:50 minutes long, hope you have time to enjoy it, make the time!

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