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We are the only species on the planet that uses words to communicate. With over 120 countries using different languages words can fall on deaf ears. When speaking in your native tongue if you don’t use words the other person understands you can’t convey what you intend to. I believe that in the not too distant future intelligent humans will use telepathy to communicate. I think words are an archaic form of communication. If you think about we already use telepathy in a crude form, eye contact, and facial expression. Your mother conveyed her thoughts to you with a look. My dog told me after returning home with a look that she did a bad thing,
she got into the garbage again. So for the time being words matter. In a very famous book by Juan Carlos Luiz entitled “The Four Agreements,” the first agreement was to be impeccable with your words. Words matter, keeping your word matters, using the right words matter. As Dr. Fantastic I want you to know by changing ONE word in your vocabulary many great things can occur. If you can replace the word good (which means morally right) with Fantastic (which means incredibly great and beautiful) your life and other’s lives will improve. The word Fantastic is energy, positivity, and literally an Act of Kindness as it makes you smile. A smile releases endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin neuron messaging units that release stress. Science says every time you smile you extend your life by five minutes. If you think about happy stress fewer people live longer. You will also be more successful in business and relationships as people love being around positive people. It’s not easy at first (you’ve been saying good every day of your life)but it gets easier and more fun as you get used to it. It is literally an act of kindness to say You look Fantastic or Have a Fantastic day or You did a Fantastic job or I am Fantastic. Here is a recent testimonial from a shop owner in Cairo.

We have many many testimonials from over the years on our testimonial page on It may take a few generations to make our society a kinder one but I’m OK with that. Teach your children this and they will teach theirs. I met a man who was one of the very very very few who answered “I am Fantastic” when I asked him how he was. He told me his grandpa ALWAYS said it. It was so influential to him as a child that he answers that way every time and taught his kids to answer that way. I was happy to meet him and see the validation that it will take generations. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
Try it, adopt it, teach it, it works.

What you want to be, you can be, be Fantastic.
Dr. Fantastic

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