Dr. Fantastic

Dr. Fantastic's Video Conference Room

Introducing Dr. Fantastic's Video Conference Room (Can host 1000 people)

The World needs your help. You may have the suggestion, the passion or the answer to one or more of the problems the world faces. Be Fantastic International believes just as every plant on earth has a purpose so does each human, you.
We created three commitments to kindness that when each person follows we will be better off. We have over 2600 people who agree so far. We now need to ask each one of them how they might help.

Whether you are hearing about us for the first time, one of our Ambassadors of Kindness or one of our 115 WhatsApp admins we are asking for your help. Your advice, suggestions or participation can make a difference, will make a difference. We need you, we need a team of kind people.

We are building a Fantastic community of people choosing kindness. You don’t need to be an Ambassador of Kindness in our organization but you do need to choose kindness. We need your help, the more people believing our three commitments and following them the better our future will be.
1. Be KIND to yourself
2. Be KIND to all others and the creatures
3. Be KIND to our Mother Earth

Please text or send us a suggestion, an introduction or anything you feel could help us, help you, help our future. The Be Fantastic Philosophy needs exposure, if you are a teacher, run a school, are a journalist or run a company sharing the three commitments to kindness will help make the world a kinder and cleaner place for everyone.

Please forward this to someone you know that might help.
Thank you for your time, it’s our most precious commodity.

Text +502 5531 8892
Email drfantasticsworld@gmail.com

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Our time: 5:41am UTC