Dr. Fantastic World

virtual broadcast on World Kindest Day




virtual broadcast on World Kindest Day

call in via our video link or VOIP phone number and chat with me, and tell your stories.


Be Fantastic International is planning a virtual broadcast on World Kindest Day.

You are among our over 1700 Ambassadors of Positivity, we have scientists, inventors, government officials, humanitarians, leaders of industry, celebrities and they are all kind people, like you.
I would love it if you can take a few minutes on Saturday November 13, 2021 to call in via our video link or VOIP phone number and chat with me, we can talk about anything, your passion, your charity, your company or any kind stories you may have. My hopes are the broadcast will introduce more people to the Be Fantastic Philosophy.

It would be great if you entertainers would perfom a song, tell a joke, dance or just relate a random act of kindness you may have witnessed. Celebrities draw crowds.

You can also record a message and send it in beforehand, I really would like to hear from you all and my apologies for not personally calling all 1710 of you.

We are asking everyone to perform as many of the ten acts of kindness below on World Kindness

Day November 13, 2021.

Here are the ten tasks. How many can you do?

  1. Only say kind words
  2. Tell family, friends and associates they are Fantastic
  3. Pick up some litter
  4. Hug 10 people
  5. Open a door for a stranger or let someone into traffic
  6. Conserve some energy
  7. Do something for you, spoil yourself
  8. Tell ALL your family members you love them
  9. Choose kindness as a lifelong decision
  10. Memorize the four commitments to kindness:
  • Be KIND to yourself
  • Be KIND to all others
  • Be KIND to our environment
  • Say KIND words, Words Matter.

In kindness, yours truly
Dr. Fantastic

If you would like to help me as I travel the world spreading kindness there are many ways on www.drfantasticsworld.com. Simple introductions are of great help i.e. schools or companies that may want me to speak. Everyone that has heard the four commitments loves it, it helps people.

Thank you being part of the Be Fantastic Movement. Together we are making the world a kinder place by choosing kindness.

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Our time: 2:32am UTC