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As Dr. Fantastic I’ve been delivering information through my YouTube channel ( Fantastic Interviews) from Epidemiologists, Virologists, Radiologists, Microbiologists, Scientists, Doctors and front line responders in the hope the information is helpful, will alleviate stress, panic and fear. It’s a bad situation and will get worse before it gets better.

I post as much light hearted positive info as well.

Please look at the positive side to EVERYTHING in life including this global pandemic. I’m hoping this will curb greed, bring families, communities and our world closer together. My podcast ( Dr. Fantastic Interviews) has 160 plus Fantastic interviews from intelligent and knowledgeable people that introduce you to information and/or technologies that will improve your mind, your body or our planet. My radio show does the same and everything is linked on our phone app (Be Fantastic).

We have thousands of subscribers and 212 Ambassadors of Positivity, these are people that want to help the Be Fantastic movement which is Pollinating Positivity and Cultivating Civility in 41 countries. Please consider becoming an Ambassador of Positivity by sending an email to or click on Join on the app.

Please forward this to those that might want to join this global movement.
Be Fantastic!

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