F.I.R.E In A Tropical Paradise

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The Coronavirus known as Covid19 shall pass. We are a tough species, we always get through disasters, wars, and horrible situations. We got through the Black Plague where 200 million souls perished, we survived the Spanish Flu where 75 million died and we shall survive Covid19. As you may know, if you have been following the Be Fantastic movement I am traveling the world sharing the movement with daily travel videos on YouTube at Be Fantastic.

My plan is when we have recovered from Covid19 to launch FIRE ( Fantastic Inspirational Rejuvenation Experience) a resort where our Ambassadors of Positivity can share their knowledge in their particular field of expertise or just come to relax in a positive relaxing off the grid environment.

F.I.R.E will be located in a tropical paradise

like the Bahamas, Bali, Panama, or the Philippines in a beautiful off-the-grid resort. Be Fantastic International has over 700 incredible Ambassadors of Positivity to draw from, people from all walks of life with knowledge that will be shared with guests: teachers, environmentalists, humanitarians, scientists, motivational speakers, life coaches, doctors, inventors, nutritionists, business owners, healers, spiritualists, and others. They will be scheduled to host classes and training in their fields of expertise. FIRE may host small conventions, concerts, festivals, and other activities. Guests will return home after their stay in FIRE a new person, filled with positive thoughts and experiences.

If you have suggestions or interest in being an
investor, donor, host teacher, or attendee we would
love to hear from you.

Please email us at

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Our time: 3:14am UTC