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At this writing I’m sitting in a waiting room in the police station in Sharm el Sheikh Egypt in the hopes of getting my assistant out of jail. This blog relates to the second commitment of the Be Fantastic philosophy which says Be Kind to others. So I will use this example and another from yesterday to make my case about fighting. Don’t, don’t ever. I am confident if you asked everyone who got in a fight if they had to do it over again they would say they wouldn’t. Imagine you spill a drink on someone by accident in a bar, or you bump into someone or look at someone’s girl and it pisses them off and they pick a fight over it, someone gets hurt or killed and your life is forever changed for the worse. Maybe only a black eye, maybe a cut which scars, a broken nose, a tooth knocked out or again death. It NEVER pays to fight.

Alcohol probably insights most fights. But having the courage and intelligence to walk away will make life better. My assistant gave me part of the story in the holding cell, his wife was partially at fault as was he for the situation which he caused (another woman) which led to the fight. So when he started to tell me the story and I told him he broke the second commitment I saw the guilt and sorrow in his eyes. Again, we will always regret fighting.

So here is the second story in as many days, yesterday my friend Memo told me about his last fight, it was at a bar, he asked the drunk guy to leave as was his job and the guy spit it his face. A fight in sued and the guy ended up with six stiches and my buddy got fired. As he is one of my Ambassadors I said “you broke the second commitment.” He said “What was I supposed to do? nothing, If I spit it your face what would you do?” Well it’s probably the hardest thing in that moment to walk away as most will perceive it as cowardice but it’s the smart thing to do. Our ego’s get in the way and that is a big problem.

One of my philosophies is that no ones opinion matters but yours, so to be embarrassed by walking away should not matter as you did the right thing, you were kind. In nearly every instance in a fight you will regret having one, saying something mean or just being cruel leads to fighting and its never worth it. Be kind to yourself, be kind to others, be kind to the environment and eliminate the word good and replace with Fantastic. Committing to these four principles you will be happier, live longer, be more successful in business and in relationships and it will help make the world a kinder more civil place.

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