Good Vs. Fantastic

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The question “How are You?” was first shouted from a great distance to save your life before visiting a friend, it was during the Black Plague where over 200 million people died. Today it is a rhetorical question asked every day, in every country to everyone as a greeting. Most don’t have time to hear the answer if it was taken as a literal question. Some do care, most don’t. Try answering “I am Fantastic” whether you are or not. The word Fantastic forces a smile which releases neuro messaging impulses that make you feel Fantastic,  the smile makes you look Fantastic, and smiling reduces stress, science says each time you smile or laugh you extend your life by 5 minutes. If you agree words matter, the word good is bland and has no energy, the word Fantastic means unimaginably great and beautiful, it creates and passes on positive energy. Teach your children this as it builds their self-esteem and confidence.  Being Fantastic will make you look better, feel better, live longer,  be more successful in business, and in relationships and help make our world a kinder more civil place. I’ve come up with a few agreements for those people wanting to join the Be Fantastic movement as an Ambassador of Positivity, we have over 730 of them in 44 countries. We need millions more. Ambassadors of Positivity are a group of Fantastic people from all walks of life who agree we can make a difference. Agreement #1 – Be kind to yourself. Too many people beat themselves up with negative thinking and caring too much about what others think of them. Love yourself first. Agreement #2 – Be kind to others, let people into traffic, open doors for strangers, say please, and thank you. Karma works. Agreement #3 – Be kind to our environment, if we don’t protect our planet it won’t matter how happy we are. Agreement #4 – Try and replace the word good with Fantastic and watch the magic. It literally is an act of kindness to say Fantastic as it makes you and others smile making you look great, feel great, live longer, and will make our world a kinder more civil place for everyone. What you want to be, you can be, be Fantastic. 

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“Be Fantastic”.

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