You only have one life in theory and you don’t know how long you have on this big rock so my suggestion is to live a life largely.
Think of your life as a movie. You are the star of your movie, you are also the director, producer, and screenwriter of your movie. Each day in your movie you have many scenes, some short and some long. It’s up to you to create fun, exciting, educational, motivational, adventurous and meaningful scenes. When you write, actin and produce great scenes you have created a great movie which is your life. It’s up to you, no one is going to make your movie, make a Fantastic one. Never compare your life to others in a negative fashion. Continuing the movie analogy, if you look at other people’s lives all you are going to see is there highlight reel. The best parts of the movie. When you look at your own life, people have a tendency to look at only the outtakes, the parts you cut out leave on the cutting room floor. So you’re looking at the best of somebody else’s life and comparing it with the worst of your own, and that only leads to dissatisfaction and unhappiness. You have your own highlight reel. And if you’re not excited about your highlight reel, then it’s time to start making some new highlights. Go out and do the things you know you should do, and make your life better.

As the professor of positivity, possibly and practically the most positive person on the planet I also suggest you look at every situation as positive, they say that every cloud has a silver lining because it’s TRUE.
Positive thinking manifests positive results, negative thinking manifests negative results. Eliminate negative thinking and negative people from your life, they are cancerous and deadly.
Forget about the past, don’t carry all that baggage with you, if it didn’t kill you it made you stronger, it made you who you are today. Love that person.
Have no regrets for anything you’ve done in the past, as the past is written and you cannot change it. That would be like watching a football game on TV that already happened and you know the score to, and hoping that the score is going to change this time. There’s nothing you can do about it, so you have to accept the fact that one team lost in one team one, so your regret of the same, except the fact that they happened and move on.
You don’t know how much time you have in this crazy-wonderful world, live it large. Take lots of risks, it’s very rewarding. You grow every time whether you fail or succeed in that risk.
Life is also a game, a wonderful, exciting, adventurous game. You don’t have to steal, cheat or cut corners to win. You just have to a positive, kind and Fantastic person to win.
Find your passion so you jump out of bed in the morning. Have fun and you win.
Be Fantastic.