Dr. Fantastic World


Hi, I’m Dr. Fantastic

Dr. Fantastic is a Fantastic speaker for companies of all sizes. King Louis XVIII said “Punctuality is the politeness of Kings” so he stresses the importance of NEVER being late to work.

He is known as being one of the best salesman on the planet and so he gives great advice on sales. He has worked in 99 different professions so he can speak on many levels in business from creating, planning, implementing and selling businesses.

new monte

He is an inspiration as his life experiences make for great storytelling. He hitch hiked around the World at 17. He has met the richest people on the planet, the most powerful people, great leaders of industry and the poorest. While most motivational speakers stress money as a motivation in life Dr. Fantastic stresses happiness. He is full of energy, passion and Fantastic stories.

the book based on his life

*Pictured is his mother on a date with Ronald Reagan at Ciro’s in Hollywood

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