I can’t imagine there are many people who don’t know of the Pyramids of Giza. There is a Fantastic documentary called The Revelations of the Pyramids which is on my favorite movies list on www.befantastictoday.com. You should watch it, it’s one of the best documentaries Ever. I’m in Cairo and on my second day I hired a taxi and within the hour I catch my first glimpse of the Great Pyramid of Giza in the distance, I don’t get excited much but I was genuinely excited to see it. It was Fantastic.
On this blog you can learn from my mistakes, but if spending too much money is a mistake well so be it. As you know I look at EVERYTHING in a positive light, the positives about spending more than I should have in this case are:
- I learned you dont have to spend $150 to see the pyramids but if you do it’s more exciting
- I definitely had more of an adventure than seeing them by foot
- I supported a lot of poor families by the fee and tips during my day at the pyramids. My horse and carriage, guide and driver brought me off the beaten path, into the Sahara and took some incredible pictures, they were indeed experts, Nemo and Sayed.
To see the pyramids without spending a bunch of money you must drive around twenty minutes further to enter from the desert side. There are some fees to see the Sphinx inside and close but you can avoid that too. You can watch my YouTube channel and see the Inside of the temple of the Sphinx here free.
You must tip the camel owner for a ride, I rode on Charlie brown, here is the video.
I must say no matter how much or little you spend visiting the pyramids it is an experience you will never forget.
Please join the be Fantastic movement by subscribing to Be Fantastic YouTube channel and if you want to be An Ambassador of Positivity in the movement please send an email to drfantastic@befantastictoday.com, there is no cost, only obligation is to be kind to yourself, others, the environment and delete the word good and replace with Fantastic.
What you want to be, you can be, be Fantastic.
Dr. Fantastic