There Are NO Wrong Turns In Life

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As a modern day philosopher one of my favorite sayings is You must look at each turn you make as the absolute best turn to make. Each day many times each day you decide to turn left or turn right, its a decision you make. When you understand and agree that each turn is the best course to take you get confidence in your decision making, with that confidence will come success in life and with success happiness.

You didn’t make the other turn so don’t waste any energy or negative thinking that perhaps the other turn may have been better. No matter the turns I make in life I ALWAYS believe they were the best turn and I ALWAYS see the positive side to the outcomes. As my latest example yesterday here in Cairo I set out to see The Cave Church which I was told was worth visiting, this was decision one. My second turn was to find it without an Uber or taxi as Maps said it was but 1.2km away. After many wrong directions from people not speaking a word of English a young man named Abdullah from Yemen asked if he could help and I gladly accepted, third turn of the day was accepting his help. He and his brother spoke perfect Arabic and an hour later after being given wrong directions by police officers and town folk alike I made the decision to throw in the towel, decision four. They both were enjoying hearing about the Be Fantastic movement and invited me for a home cooked Yemen meal with his mother and sister, easy fifth decision. We first took the metro which I was looking forward to experiencing, then a micro bus, another first in Cairo. His neighborhood was across the train tracks which in most big cities usually means the poorer part of town. No exception here. Matter of fact his apartment was next door to what he called “The Egyptian Mafia.” He said there was nothing to fear as long as you minded your own business.

I never have fear, fear is False Expectations Appearing Real. Not the best idea to wear your Rolex in these parts of town but I never take it off, if I did I am sure to lose it. So we got to his neighborhood, mom and sis were out and about so he bought some local fresh fish and we took it to his favorite Yemen restaurant. I can’t say I was thrilled with the meal but it was kind of him to treat. We ended up at his friends apartment, six teenaged boys, my perfect audience. For the next few hours I taught them about the movement, self love, kindness, positivity and addressed many questions young people ask in every part of the world. I had a Fantastic time teaching them some of my philosophies and motivating them.

I don’t collect things anymore, I collect moments. The night with the Egyptians will be one we all never forget and it wouldn’t have happened if each one of us didn’t make many left and right turns that day and every day precious. When I give my talks I tell my audience it took a lifetime of left and right turns to be speaking with them today as it took for them to be there, they were ALL the correct turns.

Believe in your turns, believe in yourself, believe in happiness and you will have a wonderful life. What you want to be, you can be, be Fantastic.
Dr. Fantastic

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